Saturday, April 20, 2013

Celebrating the YOU in U

Just as I got back to blogging I realized the positivity life has been lacking...In me, in people around at work and in my family. So I started off with this piece that occurred out of mind from some swaying thoughts somewhere n it actually took shape when a good fren of mine encouraged reading an old post of mine...

This is specially to all those women who get so busy wid their lives and responsibilities that they forget to TREAT THEMSELVES well...Treating is an abstract word in todays world and it immediately strikes chord with our routine pampering sessions like going to a parlor or a spa...But wait...Is that all that will help??We are stressed out wid problems so we just take an hour and visit a parlor feel relaxed and get back to being busy bees again. Does this suffice and bring a permanent "I conquered world" smile on our faces??No it doesn't...It gives a temporary stop gap remedy and takes minds off the problem but does not give a solution. Most of the times, the solution lies within ourselves .We just don't treat ourselves well enough to understand our self worth and under estimate our ability to actually find solution to our problems from within.

I am not saying to be an arrogant,'I know all person' who confines and deals with his problems hook or crook. Its always good to take advice and wisdom is wealth, but then...We only ultimately decide...And I feel, its then that this self worth realization helps.

To celebrate oneself we really don't have to spend lots of money visiting places. Its just enough to understand what is it that really makes us happy. What is it that we actually want. This sentence reminds me of my mom who gets irritated with me and asks me this. To add on to her irritation I simply smile...:)Every one must have gone through this phase of do I really want this from life.. May be we don't have clarity earlier but when the situation comes, we sure can answer if or not we want that.

Life is too small to be way far busy that we have no time to do what we like. But its way far too big to accommodate the small little things that make us happy. I only want to say to all those who have become so busy that they say they have no time for themselves to stop for a while and do something for once for their own good. It will soon become a habit to treat themselves well. It may be a small thing like reading book which they stopped years back , attending a charity function that they ignored earlier, watching an old film that was once an al time favorite but the CD now got dusted, but just do it for once...It will soon realize its form and you will see that you are celebrating U-Because you are worth it, because you deserve it and because you need it.

My all time favorite Oprah says - The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more it is in Life to celebrate...Lets just celebrate all happy timings we share-all birthdays, anniversaries and any feel good occasions that pass by...why jus occasions we could celebrate anything and everything, we could celebrate life in itself...

My dumb mind came up with some empowering ideas that I would like to suggest ...

  • Jump up and down and shout, “(your first name), you are so amazing and perfect.”(My first name is too big and I ll jus shout my name :))

  • Throw a party in your honor and invite your closest friends.  Have your friends share why they feel you are a beautiful child of God.(I  can imagine this wid my frens n I already started laughing)

  • Sing a song about how amazing you are.  Just make up the words and lyrics as you go.(This is hilarious cos I know what my song will have...but u can try urs)

  • Take a day off and declare it your own day to celebrate you. Spend the entire day doing what you truly and deeply want to do.  Eat ice cream, walk in the park, read a book, go dancing, etc…(I will make sure my manager is not reading this...Pun unintended :))

  • So on a lighter note...hoping my mom will start taking up French class which she always wanted and my best fren takes out time to call all of us which she always enjoys...I end the blog note...

    To all my frenz...Read this n let me know if my crappy words of wisdom can keep goin :)