Sunday, July 21, 2013

Unleashing Judgments - Begets Unconditional Love

LOVE -WE seek it,want it,need it.Yet,it eludes so many of us - if...its a feeling of genuine heart felt unconditional love.

Love seems to come in precious moments that we can’t seem to grasp before time and our busy lives takes its toll. We forget or overlook or even take for granted those precious moments in our rush for building a better future.But is not present more beautiful than past or future??

we must love ourselves first before we can love another. It requires something so simple, yet difficult in practice: letting go of making ourselves, and others, wrong.

When WE make someone else wrong, WE hold the energy of needing to correct, convince, control ,or change someone else Someone should “be or do” the way you expect.Blaming, complaining, or condemning becomes acceptable.

On the other hand,When we make ourselves wrong, we hold thoughts of how one should be, and end up feeling not good enough. We now see ourselves and others as objects or problems that need to be fixed.So.....why not rise above the feeling of judging or begrudging someone or fall prey to getting judged??

Statistics say that the uncanny ability to not complain or find faults with anything makes a woman highly productive and my mom is one best example.

Things happen for a reason and so do people reject or accept us for a reason but the bigger picture will fall into place once we start loving ourselves unconditionally. There is judgment everywhere- within family,at work,in social circles -Right and wrong,good and bad.I learnt that happiness is a changing state of being, and love can be experienced on many different levels.

Many believe love is putting up with, sacrificing, tolerating, or suffering in silence thinking their commitment is proof of their love. This is not love.I think,Understanding, seeing, hearing, and accepting someone for who they are is love.

When you make someone wrong, there’s a value you hold being stepped on. But in fact,its just someone else’s perception of truth.


Someone not living up to our value of “hard work” may be judged as “lazy.” Someone who does not follow our idea of “giving” we may judge as “selfish.” Someone we judge as “inconsiderate” is not acting in a way we see as “kindness.”

Can we sit and understand for a minute how it feels when others project their values onto us ??? The question is not whether someone is right or wrong, but whether the words and actions are coming from the spectrum of fear on one side or love on the other.Noticing intentions ,understanding and appreciating it is something a good friend of mine taught me.

I wanted to write this so that all those people that dwell into destructive consequences on being judged understand a little and all those girls/guys who prospectively fall into this matrimonial journey of constantly being judged feel better.

We might sooner or later realize with time that the person we tagged "ugly or boisterous" is actually good and kind and we might also feel sorry for coming to conclusions but we must have missed a beautiful chance to know a person or may be become a good friend.

There is a beauty to everything in nature and there is a story to every person as to why they are or they behave in a certain way...It just needs compassion and patience to understand this.A shift from self based ego and fear towards love and acceptance is tough but it indeed is possible to bring out the positive best in us.Just that our positive best may not be someone else's best...But does that really matter???