Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Right and wrong –The Ultimate Dilemma

I had a lazy day with no work done at all and so I thought of not working the remaining part of the day as well and dedicate it to my blogging efforts which is why this post would pop up at this hour. We seldom see people argue or fight on what is right and what is wrong and see that the people with Right intentions win at the end..But are they winners actually???Well I leave the answer to the context that provoked a fight. It happens so that the person who is judged wrong is also correct. But may be the thought process of the people around supporting the right person call the other wrong..So what I mean is that the question Right or wrong is justified only by the perception of the people looking at it or involved with it.
I came to this conclusion with several instances that I came across right from my childhood. When me and my dad watched Mahabharath on TV,I adored Karna who according to my dad was bad because he supported Duryodhana, the great Kaurava and fought against Pandavas who were his own brothers. But I looked at it differently. He simply stood by his best friend who helped him in times of need and paid him back even at the cost of fighting with his own brothers. I liked his might, his dedication and honesty as a friend.I never won on the argument with my dad that he was a great guy because he supported the wrong people but  I always admired him till day as an iconic character. This example is just to say that Right and wrong as a matter of fact is the way we put it across or the way we think about it.
Right by definition is to be in accordance with what is just, good, proper, ethically morally and legally correct. On a political front, the constitution and government decide on what is right and what is wrong. On an individualistic personal front, who decides them???For kids in a family the parents do…But for individuals grown up and with a sensibility and thinking of their own..who should be deciding this??The answer I believe is their conscience-their inner self..If I can answer my inner self if or not I did the right thing and get an answer YES, then its mostly correct. But the answer needs to be real and honest. There is a lot of difference between influencing the answer and telling oneself that it is correct and actually doing a right thing. Right ,by all means is always Right…and we will know it.
I dont buy it when somebody says that you are wrong only because I get a different answer when I ask myself..And if I get influenced by people who tell me I am wrong though I know that I am right, then I loose my individuality and identity of myself because I am muting the voice of my inner self and giving priority to the voice of somebody else..And this is wrong again..I think the decision of Right or wrong is a part of ones self development and we tend to understand these things only by mere experience..The joy in sticking and standing by what you feel is right, Fight and probably loose people in this argument but still winning on righteousness are deeds to be felt and not explained..We all might have done this at one or the other point and draw a little amount of pride from the fact of doing what we believed in was Right..

We consult people many times when in a dilemma of what is Right and what is wrong but finally cannot go ahead with doing it If we feel its wrong..Sometimes it so happens that the discretion of doing a right thing does not rest in our hands and we simply become spectators of a decision which could be wrong and in this case we cannot influence their decisions..Then do we just let the wrong happen??Thats again the wisdom of oneself.. We all don’t do the wrong things by choice it happens by chance and its never late to do the right thing when we have wronged. We surely have an inbuilt power to change it.It takes a lot of courage and strength but at the end of it its all worth it cos it’s THE RIGHT THING
I read two wonderful stories that inspired me to encapsulate these thoughts on my blog which you can read from the link below. They are good indeed.
At the cessation of the article, I just want to emphasize on one thing -Right is always Right when done righteously by oneself. It is important to strive and and keep up a Rightful image untarnished by time and be remembered for generations because that’s the only true wealth we transcend to our off springs –An unswayed hall of Rightful Fame in the book of life..He who is rightful always and can answer his own self can answer God anytime..
Success is the sole earthly judge of Right and Wrong

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